Friday, May 28

fizah , SURPRISEDDDD!! :)

thanx to atty, teha and atip yang disayangi. HAHA. okey, the story begin when i told atip that im sad sbb alip xdpt follow pergi youth 10 hari jumaat. dekat teha pun ada cakap and teha cakap alip bangang dia nak pang alip. HAHA. teha,teha. then, bila dah ari jumaat = 28/may/2010, my sisters and i and muzakkir tak lupa gerak lah pwtc nak redeem ticket youth tu. odw g pwtc, i text2 dengan atip. then, i salah hantar. i hantar msg dkt alip 'atip syg, where are you?' but atip yang reply. at the same time alip gtawu i yg i salah hantar. tapi i tak realize yang eventhough i salah hantar msg, tp the correct person yang reply. i thought alip text atip cakap apa yang i salah send tu. then jalan punya jalan dalam pwtc jumpa lah atip, atty and teha. there's one guy beside atty so i thought that was atty's bf. so i mcm borak2 jela ngn atip. atip pun bg hint suruh pandang that GUY. i pun macam 'pahal?' 'apa dia?'. then that guy look at me. i pun tengok arr dia. i trus 'OMG! ALIP!' haha. sumpah lawak doe. haha. terus g kat alip and salam dia. haha. then, his friends cakap, boleh dia xperasan kau and alip said the same thing. HAHA. sorry lah bf. i sumpah tak perasan. haha. then, i yang dalam keadaan shock gilaa. macam terdiam je tp senyum2 HAHA. so, jalan lah kami bersama sama.

the conclusion ; that day was so perfect with him :) thanx guyss. lagi2 si atip yang dok text2 i but never said anything. HAHA. iloveyou atipppp but ilove alip moreee :D

Sunday, May 9

HMD (:


thanx for being such a greaaaat motherrr
zaharah binti satar
*i think im the one who is 'lebih - lebih' in this picture (:*